March 10, 2025


Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

You've read mine, its time for me to read yours! Tell me what you think about the story you've just read, and maybe I'll surprise you
Follow me on Twitter & Instagram @deolububble, or email me on [email protected]

2013: Osisiye

2012 will be a good year. E bad as e bad, I will finish my Service Year. That in itself spells freedom. Freedom from these itchy khakis. Freedom from weekly CDS meets. Freedom from the jokers- those corpers who wear woolen sweaters in the hot...


You might have read this somewhere before but… here goes again. I stepped into the year 2012 with anger and frustration in my heart and maybe in so many ways, it was selfish of me to forget that being alive is the biggest joy of all but Life...

2013: KazeBleek

I’m not down to writing tales by moonlight or any other form of writing because I’m a learner. My plan was just to dull Deolu till he “fashis” my side but on my way to school this morning, I almost got kidnapped. Yes! True story. I thank...

2013: ManickaL

First of all… (Go down low) *stifles laughter…coughs* Ahem. Okay, let me try that again… First of all…I would like to thank Mr Deolu Bubble (lovely surname by the way, would have loved to meet your Dad) for granting me the...

2013: Nuel Nonny

I promised myself I’ll not think or review my 2012… Deolu should know by now I have no intentions of writing this… I get scared of every mention or ping that hits my phone and that is not a good thing considering they come in large numbers. One fact...

2013: MsIbiyemi

Hello! Firstly I am not good with article writing but Deolu bullied me into it *sighs* So I am meant to write about one thing I am hoping for in 2013 and one thing I was thankful for in 2012.. Hmmm how do I start this?… Oh well, here...

2013: DJ Fleau

When I got the DM from Deolu, I seriously didn’t know what to write about not like I know now sef. I have typed and deleted this same paragraph almost 5 times already. So I am going to do my normal thing….RANT AWAY…just kidding….. You don’t...

90-Day Rule

After watching the movie, Think like a man, Act like a lady(woman), I thought to myself, this movie to me is just for laughs. I am one of those people who love to believe what we see in movies but not this one. I am that guy that will argue it out...

Lionel Messi wins FIFA player of Year for the 4th time

“How many more Ballons d’Or can I win? Don’t know, just won this one, will enjoy that now, and will keep on working hard.” – Lionel Messi Its quite incredible for anyone to win an award 4 times in a row in any sport or...

Thank you!

I have tried to start this post approximately 5 times but I keep deleting it, it just doesn’t sound right with each line. So, I have decided to just go with this.I started blogging on in late 2011; it was a lot of work back then, it is...

Actors who ALMOST played James Bond

We all know who 007 is, incase you dont, He is one of the most popular secret agent in the world, we all have ideas of people who should play it. The argument has been on  years, perhaps decades about who is the best James Bond. My vote is for...

Daydream Tease

Hello Mortals, Last day of the year, The post was supplied by @ThisBoyPerforms. Enjoy this post and kindly leave a comment. ___ I sat in the library trying to read, I held my book close to my face and continued reading. My girlfriend sat beside me...

The Unexpected (18+)

Holla, Its christmas eve and to celebrate this, I have gotten one of the best erotica writers in this part of the world to entertain us. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Dame Valuta, here is her blog  Please enjoy, and lastly from all of us here...

DS Series : The Cinema Parole (18+)

Mortals, I cannot apologize enough, so am gonna skip that then 😀 Most of my parole stories have always come from Facebook, a different source today, and its not twitter, it was at the cinema. I’m a big fan of movies, so on this fateful day, I was...

Le Colleagues Night Stand (18+)

Hello Mortals, Sighs* The holidays are here and I will repeat this again, I am not a fan of the holiday seasons especially Christmas. I cant wait for the whole thing to be over, can we skip to March already?? No? Another sigh* How do you like the...

Average Joe (18+) : The Twitter Chic

Twitter is such a fantastic place ,you know? It is a Universe on its own, with so many different worlds, and in those worlds, so many different continents and a lot of diverse countries within those continents. Have you ever tried reading through...

The Ruth Style

Greetings Earthlings, How are you doing? Thank you for your recent visits for the regulars and welcome to the newcomers, hope you enjoy the blog. Welcome to December, Although I dont see the reason for all the excitement; Ofcourse, am thankful to...

Corper Sexcapade (18+)

Morning Earthlings, This morning’s erotica post is supplied by @ThisHandleTho. For all you know, this might have happened in your camp. Shout-out to all the corpers, go out there and be great! Please leave a comment, thanks.. ____ It took...

Average Joe (18+) : Esther’s wedding II

We both stood there, looking at each other. My rod sticking out in front of me, throbbing, as  blood pumped into it. She was beautiful. Her eyes, wide and unblinking, her small nose, her full lips, her chubby cheeks, the light chocolate complexion...

The Lonely Road (18+)

Morning/Afternoon/Evening The salutation is depending on the time you’re reading this…. If you know Osisiye, you’ll know his style of writing, however this is an erotica he wrote. Let me know your thoughts. ____   He was...

Average Joe (18+) : Esther’s wedding

It was Saturday, that fateful day when I met Jennifer at a wedding. I usually don’t attend weddings, I can count on one finger how many weddings I have attended in my life. I didn’t even want to be there on those occasions but it was Esther’s...

17 Awosika S02E02

Frank still in shock after witnessing bombs been planted on the pillars beneath the third mainland bridge, He was still shivering in his boat, the highness in his body was quick to leave him, his heart in his mouth as he witnessed the scariest...

Fix when broken

Hello Mortals, Before I start, I’ll like to talk about the elephant in the room, the elephant in this case is why the blog has been close to inactive in days almost month past. Its simple, I have become lazy..okay, maybe not lazy. I have had to my...

The other side of Richard (18+)

Morning Mortals, Brand new adult story from @ManickaL. Enjoy it __   Richard was fixated on his blackberry, furiously attacked the keypad. He typed and laughed, and then typed some more. Sometimes, the laughter was longer, other times, he just...

The Affair By Tolu Oke

Morning, Welcome to another bright week, how was the long break? Hope you enjoyed it. I cant apologize enough for the lapses on this blog but i promise to be better, please bear with me. Thanks :* Without further ado,one of the baddest bloggers in...

The Mandy Story II

Morning Earthlings, Here is the concluding part of last week’s story. __ I was still lost in the moment until all of a sudden, my jeans had been pushed down my thighs and his hard cock pressed against my bum. Sheeeet! I felt his finger already...

The Mandy story (18+)

Hello Earthlings, Mr. Bubble in the building, here is something, a fantastic erotica writer sent me, lemme know your thoughts….. __   “Mandy, let’s go. Its time for the exam” I was deep in my Taxation Laws and Accounts textbook that...

Zoe’s Scribbles (18+) : The New York Trip

I had worked so hard for the last couple of months and was looking forward to my annual leave. I decided to make it worthwhile and spend it out of the country. After all, I’m single and it’s summer. Where else would be perfect for my...

Average Joe (18+) : Le Boss

Joe was stuck in traffic at 8:25am in the morning, at a time when he should be already seated at his desk, sipping coffee and making the usual morning checks of all the documents he expected would have been dropped on his desk by his secretary. He...

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