Hello Earthlings,
How have you been, I know it’s been a while you read anything from me. I apologise about that but aren’t my apologies getting too much? *sigh*
I decided to mix up the weekly post by a top 10 list on Mondays; just something to make your Monday less gloomy and more fun. From week to week, it will vary from the weirdest stuff to the most unbelievable stuff. I promise it’ll be fun.
So, I got into this discussion with a few buddies, it was about switching personalities. One of the guys raised a point that the way a single lady treats her male colleague is the way she’ll treat her husband.
I see girls disagreeing with this one….wait….wait….*In same expression as the NSCDC Commandant*
Before you start jumping, here’s the thing. Whoever you’ll marry may be as fucked up as your male friends or even worse….lol
For some ladies, the only thing missing in their friendship with their office colleague is sex, the friendship with their colleagues are so close that they virtually every detail about each other I know you don’t want to hear that, but believe me, your husband won’t be prince charming riding a horse with blady shinny armour. No, he wont be, he’ll be a regular guy like us, someone who you’ve seen that can take your shit and still be cool with you.
Back to the main point of this post, is it possible that people’s character at work and outside work is different?
Quite unfortunately, Yes, some people are very brilliant in living double or even triple lives, different character at work, another one at home and a different one with their friends, and this doesn’t necessary mean they’re hiding something, its just in their nature. They tend to feel more relaxed when they aren’t at work, while others settle into every other place with the same personality.
It’s just as simple as some people being introverts and others being extroverts. You’re who you are. Some people like to keep to themselves at work for the fear of people judging the real them while others just say fuck it, I’m who I am and live their lives like they want to. It’s important that you live your life like you want unless you’re killing someone else with it. People are entitled to their lifestyle just as their opinions.
My own opinion is that you can have several personalities just like your phone has different profiles such as silent, loud and normal, some people might argue that you should have one character and never let people’s opinion of your life get to you but we all know we handle criticism differently. If you criticize someone who hates it, he might throw you off the building or break your nose while another person might just laugh it off and think about what you said later on. Some people dont know how to criticize constructively, their profoundly bad mouth will be a problem for them, if it isn’t already.
As for me, am an introvert, you’ll rarely see me speak in an environment am not comfortable in, but am trying to change that now. Its been successful so far, right now, I’m the same person at work, at play, actually everywhere, that way I’m consistent. You should try it too! Unless of course, you’re a thoroughly disgusting person, you might wanna keep that horrible character at home or for people who can deal with it…loool
So, my questions are, firstly, do you agree with multiple personalities, is it a good thing or a bad thing? Secondly, think about this deeply, will you treat your spouse the same way you treat your favorite office colleague?
You know the drill. Use the comment box below 😀
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