- Despite evidence supporting the contrary, Peter Dinklage isn’t convinced that women appreciate his sexiness. “They’ll say, ‘Oh, he’s so sexy’, but women still go for the guys who are 6’2″, he was quoted saying.
- Although he’s as badass as Tyrion Lannister, he does not enjoy the sword play acting he must do. He says, “The fight scenes are all a big lie. The whole time, you’re trying not to get hit in the eye with a sword, and you wish you had on a welding helmet.”
- For his role as Tyrion on Game of Thrones, he was named one of the ‘Eight Actors Who Turn Television into Art’ in a cover story of The New York Times magazine.
- Even as a starving actor, Peter refused to take parts as elves, leprechauns or anything that made him feel “dirty.” As a result, “I said no a lot,” he confesses. “A lot.”
- Dinklage was born with achondroplasia, which is a type of dwarfism that only affects the long bones in the arms and legs.
- He is a vegetarian.
- He is the only American Game of Thrones cast member.
- He lives in upstate New York with his wife, Erica Schmidt, and their daughter Zelig. He especially enjoys being in his herb garden.
- Peter happens to be best friends with Steve Buscemi. They have been close since they met in 1995.
- He doesn’t lose sleep over the ‘m’ word or the ‘d’ word. “I hate all that ‘little person’ shit. Call me a midget, but just be real. I am all for correct terms, but please don’t tiptoe around feelings. Don’t be too careful, because that shuts you off from people.”
- Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) were friends long before Game of Thrones. He was apparantly the one who suggested her for the part.
- He has a scar that runs from his neck to his eyebrow. This happened onstage during an accident when he was performing at the CBGB with his punk band Whizzy.
- He is an avid animal rights activist and is against animal testing.
- He once crashed a Canadian gay bar with friend Lena Headey. He reportedly got very intoxicated and hula-hooped for most of the night.
- Charles Dance, who plays Tywin Lannister on GoT, says that he is constantly apologizing to Peter on set because he treats him ‘appallingly’ when in character.
- Having studiously rehearsed an exchange with Bronn (Jerome Flynn) where he expresses his wish to die ‘at the age of 80 with wine in my belly and a girl’s mouth around my c**l’, instead he came up with ‘at the age of 80 with wine in my belly, and a girl’s cock around my mouth’. They apparently laughed so much they had to stop filming for a day.
- He is thinking about creating his own line of scent after a friend gave him a bottle of cologne he made. “You know how Jessica Simpson and Beyonce have signature perfumes and make a mint? I’m thinking this cologne could be the ticket to fortune.”
- He doesn’t own a comb or a brush. Peter Dinklage’s hair is wonderful. It’s this casually messy, windswept mop that makes him look both cool and wild.
- He was Bruce Springstein’s neighbor. Bruce used to stop by and play guitar at the Dinklage household.
- He’s classically trained in acting. A student of the craft, he studied acting in college, graduating from Bennington College in Vermont with a Bachelor’s in Drama. He later returned to his alma mater in 2012 as an honored guest, and gave the commencement speech to the graduating class.
Source: TheChive.com
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