It had been ten days since I’d last spoken to Adeniyi McCarthy. He had called and text me relentlessly, I’d give him that.
It had been ten days since I’d last spoken to Adeniyi McCarthy. He had called and text me relentlessly, I’d give him that. But I just was not ready to talk to him for some odd reason. I think I was beginning to like him. I gave a little shudder at this thought. There were so many reasons why I shouldn’t even think along that line. Let’s see…
He was married
He was more or less my boss
I did not do relationships
I did not do relationships with people that could own my soul
He was fucking good at sex
Sigh. The last reason made me twitch. This was the main reason. I had always put a lot on sexual compatibility in my previous relationships. No matter how much I liked a guy, if his sex game was bad then it was ‘Sayanora, bitches’ time. But this guy was a demi-god. In fact, scratch that. He was a god, plain and simple.
On cue, I heard my phone beep and I stopped towelling my shrunken curls to stare across my room to my bed where my phone was. I sighed again, it was probably one of the girls calling me to come visit them. Work had been diabolical and I had not seen my best friends in weeks, something that rarely happened since we all lived on the island. I dropped my towel to the floor, reminding myself to pick it up and walked naked to my bed to read whatever message had come through.
“I don’t know why you’re ignoring me, Amara. I thought we had something good going on. Have I done something to annoy you? Please tell me so it can be rectified. I really miss you. Your body. I miss your pussy so fucking much. Or is it that this is just sex? I could have sworn that was all you wanted. Me worshipping you. If I’m wrong then tell me. We could go out on dates. Or something. Whatever you want. You’ve reduced me to this, Amara. I don’t chase women. I don’t beg them. But for you, I’m making an exception. What do you want from me? Tell me and I will do everything in my power to get it for you. I won’t stop calling you. I won’t stop messaging. Not till you expressly tell me to fuck off. And even at that… I just want one word from you.”
I sat in shock at the message that Adeniyi had sent. The fuck!? I didn’t realise he felt this was about me. I thought it was all physical. This was deeper. Emotional. I didn’t know what to do. How to respond. I thought we were playing a game, dangerous but a game nonetheless. I thought the annoying deeper feelings rearing their ugly heads was all on my part. Clearly, it was mutual. I started typing then stopped. Read the message again.
“I miss your fucking pussy so much.”
I felt a jolt go down my spine.
I missed his mouth on my pussy. His hands caressing my back. My arse. I missed his kisses. I missed the words he whispered into my skin. I missed his mind. I missed the essence of him.
I didn’t do relationships.
I sure as hell stayed away from affairs with married men, except the plain old physical ones.
I didn’t like baggage.
What the hell was I to do!?
“Give me some time.”
I typed this then switched off my phone before staring into space.
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