Steph coincidentally are in the same place as Karen and Aisha, the same location where she just finished a sex orgy, will they find out her secret?
Aisha emptied her cup before looking up again at Karen who had pulled up a seat right next to her. She smiled at her and couldn’t help but notice Karen’s nipples pushing hard against her shirt. Well, she sure didn’t have any bra on and Aisha couldn’t really blame her for getting turned on. Who wouldn’t, in such an environment?
“How far , Ais. Where is Steph?” Karen smiled back. She sure seem to be in a good mood and definitely not here for a confrontation or a fight. But still Aisha wasn’t prepared to take any chances.
“She is coming, she is talking to someone backdoor. Chill”
Luckily Karen listened to her. She only just sighed and signaled to the bar man to get them another a refill of whiskey.
“When did you turn whiskey person? Thought Vodka was more your thing”. Aisha asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Well Ais, from today I am planning on trying new things. Besides I would not be drinking it alone. You are here with me.” Karen winked at her.
This sure looked like a different Karen not even the one she had seen some hours ago. What had happened within that time? Only God knew but then again who was she to judge? So she happily accepted the bottle from the barman and poured out their drinks.
“To new beginnings” Karen raised her cup.
ALSO READ: Karen’s wildly suspicious erotic night
“New beginnings” Aisha followed suit and nodded. They both went full gulps on their drinks and emptied the cups. Karen dropped her cup on the table with a frown all over her face.
“Jeez! This thing really burns”.
“You have never had whiskey?” Aisha laughed as she dropped her own cup.
“I have once I think. You remember that stupid Eze boy that lived across the road back in school? He threw one party like that and all he had to offer was whiskey but that definitely did not taste anything like this”.
“You sure it was whiskey or Ogogoro that guy served? Because the Eze I remember would most likely just pass ogogoro in bottles around”. They both laughed at this and took out time out to smile at the truth. Aisha decided to break the ice.
“So what’s up with you and Steph anyway, you guys good?”
Karen didn’t say anything for a while, only stared at the cup she had put down then she sighed…
“Steph and I have had a thing going on for quite some time now, and I feel she just did something now that seems like she is hanging me out to dry”.
“I know you have been screwing each other for years now, Kae. So what I really want to know is what she did” Aisha pushed.
Karen didn’t even flinch that Aisha knew about she and Steph all along. Well that was to be expected after she was the AISHA.
“She started to see Joe behind my back and when I confronted her about it, she fucking denied it to my face. Can you imagine? She took me for a fool!” Karen’s voice got a little loud. Aisha motioned to her to calm down and poured out another drink for her.
“Karen, Steph was not seeing Joe behind your back” Aisha whispered
“Was that what she told you? How come Joe was dropping her off at 6am in the morning? And why did she have to lie about it to me? Tell me” Karen also whispered back.
Now it was Aisha’s turn to sigh. She shook her head and looked around. The old man and the young lady were finished now or so it seemed since they were now sharing a drink but she was still holding onto his dick. The two ladies had slept off on each other.
Aisha turned back to Karen.
“I shouldn’t be the one to explain anything to you, Kae but just believe me when I tell you Steph isn’t seeing Joe behind your back.”
ALSO READ: Richmond & Steph’s sex party blackmail begins [Pt 4]
Karen sighed once more and nodded before downing her drink once more.
Steph bit on her lower lips as hard as she could and gripped the table as hard as she could. This guy was an animal.
Ever since they had stepped into this room looking more like an office, he had pulled her skirt over her ass and made her hold onto the table and without warning dug his dick up her pussy. She had thought she could take it all in without a sound but then she didn’t know when she had started moaning and before she knew it, her voice was getting higher that she had to bit herself.
She felt his hand on her upper back and him pushing her lower till her cheek was on the table. Then everywhere smelt of cigarettes. She couldn’t stand it but before she could try to fight his push and come back up, she felt a hard slap on her ass cheeks.
She let out a loud moan before she could think about it. She didn’t bother coming back up. She just closed her eyes and went back to biting her lips. He sure knew how to fuck good and it was all better when she felt his hand grabbing her already exposed breasts and squeezing them hard.
This was good, almost felt like it was Joe fucking her. She hadn’t fucked him in a while, perhaps this night she should.
She felt the guy tense up in her and his groaning, she knew he was about to cum. With all the strength she could muster, she lifted herself off the table and pushed him out of her just in time to see him cum all over the floor.
“Damn girl, you are crazy” The guy yelled at her.
ALSO READ: Karen & the uninvited peeper at the door
“I am not your girl, no way I would let you cum in me. Deal with it” Steph calmly said as she pulled her skirt back down and got to straightening out her blouse. She finished up and walked out, right past the guy who still had his pants down and his now limp dick still hanging out.
She was almost back at the table before she noticed Karen was the one sitting with Aisha. What was going on? She was shocked but composed herself well enough not to miss a step still she got to the table.
“Hey, what’s up?” Karen looked up at her smiling.
“I am good, you?” Steph replied with a straight face. Deep down she was dying to know what Karen wanted here or had Aisha called her over. Did she know she had just gone to fuck some total stranger in the back room? Aisha poured out a drink and handed it to her.
“Thank you, I so needed that” Steph said before downing it at a go.
“Sure you did” Aisha laughed before adding “I think I should excuse you guys, you obviously need to talk” She said as she stood up.
Karen looked up at Aisha and nodded at her. Steph only turned to look at her as she walked away and into the backroom then she remembered the guy was still in there with his pants down. She grinned and shook her head, crazy Aisha.
“Steph, I really don’t know where to begin but let me just say I am sorry for my behavior. I should at least trust you to an extent, seriously”.
“Forget it, Karen. You owe me no apology. It has happened already and given me a chance to think things over”.
“What does that mean?”
ALSO READ: Richmond & Steph’s sex party blackmail begins [Pt 3]
“I am going to date Joe, Kae” Steph said as she looked Karen in the eye.
It was darkness.
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