It did not take long for my worries over sharing Chrys’s dick with Mama T to dissipate. I had told her there was no way I could ask him to sleep with her. She pleaded and reasoned over and over with me but there was nothing I could do to help the situation. If she wanted the dick, she would have to seek him out the same way I had sought him out.
She finally resigned to her fate and left me alone. Shortly after that, I got a call from my cousin. She had a party close to my place and wanted to ask if she could drop by for a few days to spend time with me and have a change of environment. It was a welcomed idea.
At least, I would have someone around me in the house and it would become a perfect excuse to avoid Mama T for the next few days.
At this time, I was already dickmatized by Chrys and the thought of sharing his dick with another neighbour was nauseating. The fact that I knew Mama T was shameless enough to come back and feed me with every little detail of the sex made it worse for me to imagine. I could bear it if Chrys fucked a stranger and I did not know about it.
I packed his bedsheets from the other day that I had squirted on and promised to clean for him. I headed for his room. At his door, I instinctively paused by his door hoping to see if I would catch moaning sounds from within.
I would not like to walk in on Chrys having sex – especially since the sex was most likely going to be the shameless Mama T. After waiting for a while and not hearing anything, I knocked on the door and entered anyway without waiting for permission.
The sitting room was empty, giving me the idea that Chrys was in his bedroom. The realisation made my heart miss a beat. If he was in his bedroom and could not hear me knock, does that not mean he was busy inside?
Maybe busy fucking Mama T. I shivered at the thought and headed for his bedroom. In case I walk in on him fucking someone else, I would just say I had come to drop his bedsheets. I tried my best to not make a sound till I got to his door.
It was opened and I could see inside. Chrys was in there, on the bed like I had guessed he would be but he was alone. I felt relieved to see that he had his airpods in his ears and that was why he could not hear me come in.
As I moved closer, he realized he was not alone and that was when I got his attention. I playfully dropped the sheets on him and gave a childish apology for messing his sheets up in the first place. His cocky self mentioned that it was his pleasure to fuck me to the point that I squirted.
We laughed over it but I was seeing something else. The print of his dick in his boxers. He was semi-hard for sure from what I was seeing. It brought my attention to his phone and I was forced to ask what he was watching.
He dropped the phone and looked at me like he was trying to see my soul. He brought me close to him and asked if he could keep secrets with me. I gave him my word that he could and he just burst out laughing like I had said something funny.
It felt a little offending and he saw it. He apologized and said if I leaked the information he was about to give me he would tell the whole house I squirted on his bed – then he burst into another round of laughter whilst I playfully strangled him.
I was more eager now to see what he wanted to show me. He handed me one of his AirPods and played the video. It was porn like I had guessed but the person inside it was Mama T! I know she was a shameless person but, I did not imagine that she would go this far.
I was quite jealous that her video was turning Chrys on. But, there was no denying that that woman had one of the fleshiest asses I had ever seen in my whole life. There was also no denying that she knows how to handle a penis.
It was evident from the video. The way the dick slid in and out of her pussy. The way she was not scared to throw her ass back and meet the dick halfway, her moans and all. When he played the video where she was riding dick, I knew that if this woman handled Chrys that I was done for.
She was not bluffing when she claimed she was good at riding dicks and if she tries this with Chrys, I think she would take him from me. Maybe this was the time I would try to explain to Chrys that this woman does hookup.
It would be a blow beneath the belt but it was needed to save myself from unnecessary competition. It was not a lie that Mama T does hookup but the problem is I only knew about it because she casually mentioned that when she goes broke sometimes she takes sex jobs.
How to tell Chrys without sounding like I was hating on Mama T or I was trying to stop him from bagging a MILF. I sighed watching the video with him and my hand stray down to his boxers and have a feel of that penis.
It was already harder than it looked when I had come in earlier. The video got to a point where Mama T held her guy down and was just bouncing up and down his long pole and we could hear the “pat! patt! pattt!” coming from the video.
I felt his dick get harder in my palm. It was clear that he was turned on by Mama T’s sexmatics. I quietly whispered that he should better use a condom when he fucks him. He immediately paused the video and asked me to repeat what I had just said.
I was not going to say anything but he pressed further.
I had no other choice than to tell him what I said. He dropped his phone and burst into another laughter. I felt like a fool with his laugh and he just blurt out asking why I think he would be interested in fucking Mama T.
I was shook by his question that I let go of his dick immediately. I looked into his face and asked him why he would not like to fuck Mama T. He laughed again and to be honest, the laughs were getting on my nerves lowkey. He asked me to answer his question first then he would mine.
There was no need for a long talk. I put my hand inside his boxers and brought his dick out. It was hard. I said that was the evidence that he would fuck her.
He laughed and told me that was just normal to happen because he is a real man and it was normal for his dick to harden at the sight of people fucking.
It was a believable explanation but I did not fully accept it. For me, you get turned on by people you are attracted to. Chrys opened his WhatsApp right there and went into Mama T’s chatbox where a new batch of half-naked and full-naked pictures were waiting to be downloaded.
Chrys downloaded one after the other, viewed them one after the other not minding my presence, the fact that my palm was wrapped around his dick, or the fact that his dick twitched with every new picture he viewed. When he was done.
He sent a text out saying, “Please, stop, I am not interested”. I was shocked by the change. He looked toward me and said he was not attracted to women around Mama T’s age, he felt she was not discreet enough for his lifestyle and she was too thick for his liking too.
My mind found peace almost instantly. It was time to make something out of the moment. I tried rubbing his dick to see if I could get some before I returned to my room. There was no lube so, rubbing was not going the way it was supposed to go.
I had a better idea and it involved me using my mouth. In an instant, my mouth was full of penis. I sucked it like my life depended on it. My nipples were hard, my pussy was wet. I just wanted to taste his dick a little more before I would present him with my pussy to be fucked mercilessly.
My phone began to ring but I ignored it and kept my focus on the dick in my mouth.
Chrys picked it up from where I had dropped it and asked me who Lara was. Fuck! That was my cousin. She was on her way to me and I was supposed to pick her up. I explained to Chrys as I quickly put myself in order and picked up the call. I told him I would be back soon and dashed out.
That girl was in a dangerous area at night, if not, I would have let her wait. By the time I was coming back to the house with Lara, Chrys was heading out. We all exchanged pleasantries. Minutes later, Chrys was in my room to greet me. That was a lie.
He had never done that. It was either he was eager to finish what we had started or was just here to see my lustily dressed cousin better.
Written by Reezy Sama
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