March 29, 2025

50 Shades of Feud: 17 Actors Who Hated Their Co-Stars

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50 Shades of Feud: 17 Actors Who Hated Their Co-Stars

As in most working environments, no matter how you try to ignore it, there is sometimes that one person that really knows how to get under your skin and make your blood boil. We’ve all been there and, apparently, so have the stars. While actors are paid to make you believe that it’s all smiles and rainbows, when the cameras stop rolling it can be an entirely different situation.

Here are 17 actors who, off screen, couldn’t even pretend to like each other:

1. Wesley Snipes and Ryan Reynolds – Blade: Trinity

While shooting Blade: Trinity, Wesley Snipes would only show up to shoot his close ups and then retreat to his trailer to smoke weed, which meant that Ryan Reynolds was on his own for most of the filming. In fact, Wesley also had a feud with the director, David Goyer, who ended up telling the star that he should quit and they could continue the movie using his stand-in!

2. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams – The Notebook

According to The Notebook director Nick Cassavetes, Gosling and McAdams really could not stand each other during filming, despite going on to have a real-life romance. Describing a particular day when Gosling hands-down refused to continue a scene with his co-star, Cassavetes recalled:

“He says, ‘Would you take her out of here and bring in another actor to read off camera with me?’” “I said, ‘What?’ He says, ‘I can’t. I can’t do it with her. I’m just not getting anything from this.’”

3. Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio – Romeo + Juliet

Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio’s on-set relationship was less star-crossed lovers and more just plain cross as Danes got so pissed at Leo’s constant ‘immature’ pranks that she apparently completely avoided him off set. In return, he found her reserved and uptight. Lovely.

4. Bill Murray and Lucy Liu – Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle

Ever wondered why Bernie Mac replaced Billy Murray in the sequel to Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle? Well, apparently it was due to a huge fight between Bill Murray and Lucy Liu. The story goes that Murray dropped into a scene, pointed to Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Liu, and said, in that order, “I get why you’re here. And you’ve got talent. But what in the hell are you doing here? You can’t act.”

5. Anne Hathaway and James Franco – Academy Awards

As if the train-wreck hosting experience wasn’t damaging enough, James Franco insulted his 2011 Academy Awards co-host Anne Hathaway while giving an interview on Howard Stern’s radio show. Calling the Les Misérables star a “goody-two-shoes,” he also refused to defend her when the radio DJ talked about the “Hathahaters.”

6. Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett – Hollywood Homicide

On the set of Hollywood Homicide Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett’s dislike for each other got to the point where they reportedly couldn’t look each other in the eye.

Hartnett said:

“There were times we would end up just sitting in the car when we were supposed to be doing a scene and neither of us would say anything for like an hour.”

7. Shia LaBeouf and Alec Baldwin – Orphans

Never one to shy away from drama, Shia LeBeouf started quite the feud when he tweeted “The theater belongs not to the great but the brash,” to his Broadway Orphans co-star Alec Baldwin. Unfortunately for Shia, the sassy quip resulted in him being fired from the show for ‘creative differences.’ Baldwin’s retort was brief yet cutting, “I don’t think he’s in a good position to be giving interpretations of what the theater is or isn’t about.” Ouch.

8. Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson – 50 Shades of Grey

Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson reportedly had very little chemistry together on set and their achingly awkward press tour for 50 Shades of Grey did nothing to dampen that rumor. To be fair though, it can’t have been easy to feign interest when presented with one of the worst scripts ever written.

9. Sharon Stone and William Baldwin – Sliver

Writer of Basic Instinct, Joe Eszterhas, talked of Sharon Stone’s intense dislike for her co-star William Baldwin on the set of ’90’s flick Silver. So intense were her feelings that she apparently bit Baldwin’s tongue during a screen kiss and, adding insult to literal injury, used mouthwash after kissing him. Eszterhas also added that Stone was so generally disliked by the teams she worked with that in one of her early movies the crew pissed in her bathtub.

10. Shannen Doherty and Jason Lee – Mallrats

Jason Lee starred with Shannen Doherty in the ’90’s classic Mallrats and claimed that his on-screen love interest was remarkably unpleasant to work with. Lee is not the only actor to find Doherty unpleasant as both her Beverly Hills 90201 brother Jason Priestley and Charmed sister Alyssa Milano described the actress as ‘difficult.’

11. Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey – Batman Forever

Tommy Lee Jones had a really hard time tolerating Jim Carey’s zany behavior on the set of Batman Forever. In fact, a ‘hard time’ is a little bit of an understatement, as so strong was his dislike for his co-stars antics that he did not sugar-coat his thoughts.

Jim recalled:

“I went up to say hi and the blood drained from his face in such a way that I realized that I had become the face of his pain or something. And he got kind of shaking and hugged me and said, ‘I hate you. I really don’t like you.’ And I was like, ‘Wow, okay, what’s going on, man?’ And he said, ‘I cannot sanction your buffoonery.'”

12. Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe – Some Like It Hot

Tony Curtis made it publicly clear how much he disliked working with Monroe while filming the classic film Some Like It Hot. He said:

“I didn’t like her. She was a really mean person. During Some Like It Hot, she gave us a terrible time and when someone asked me then what it was like kissing her, I said, ‘It’s like kissing Hitler.’

13. Kenny Baker and Anthony Daniels – Star Wars

Kenny Baker and Anthony Daniels, the actors hiding inside the R2D2 and C3PO costumes are definitely not best buds in real life.

Baker once said of Daniels:

“He’s been such an awkward person over the years. If he just calmed down and socialized with everyone, we could make a fortune touring around making personal appearances. I’ve asked him four times now but, the last time, he looked down his nose at me like I was a piece of sh*t. The last time I spoke to him was in Boston and he was in front of me. I said ‘Did you have a nice weekend Tony?’ He said ‘I’m having a conversation,’ and walked away. He wasn’t talking to anybody. I could have hit him.”

While Daniels clearly doesn’t harbor tender feelings either:

“I never saw him. I mean, R2-D2 doesn’t even speak. He might as well be a bucket.”

14. Pierce Brosnan and Teri Hatcher – Tomorrow Never Dies

007 wasn’t too pleased with Teri Hatcher while filming the James Bond flickTomorrow Never Dies, as the star frustratingly kept him waiting for hours. He later found out this delay was due to her morning sickness, though that didn’t stop Brosnan from making a rather piercing snide comment:

“I’m sure her mother loves her. I hope she’s learned some humanity having become a mother herself.”


15. Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey – Dirty Dancing

In Patrick Swayze’s autobiography ‘The Time of My Life’ he mentioned how he didn’t see eye-to-eye with his on-screen Dirty Dancing romantic interest, Jennifer Grey. Apparently ‘Baby’ was overly ’emotional’ and he deemed her ‘silly mood’ swings highly unprofessional.

16. Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte – I Love Trouble

In the 1994 film I Love Trouble, Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte played two reporters working together to solve a case. However, off screen their relationship was anything but cooperative, with Roberts labelling Nolte, ‘a disgusting human being.’

Nolte didn’t think much of her either but remained nonplussed, retorting that:

“Everyone knows that. But it’s not important to me whether I’m liked or disliked. Some people like me. Some don’t. Some people I like working with, some I don’t.”


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(Source: GawkerStarsRankerNews)

Source: Heather Snowden,

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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