First of all… (Go down low) *stifles laughter…coughs* Ahem. Okay, let me try that again…
First of all…I would like to thank Mr Deolu Bubble (lovely surname by the way, would have loved to meet your Dad) for granting me the great opportunity of having the pleasure in being a contributor to his blog last year.
If you peruse his blog and pay close attention, I’m sure you’ll see one or two stories where my humble self was mentioned as author. It was an honor though, staying up late nights and cracking my lazy brain, trying to cook up the best (maybe not) and entertain all or most of the blog’s regular visitors. I wasn’t being paid to do it, but I loved what I was doing. Writing has been a part of me since the earliest days of my youth and I found a channel; in Deolu’s blog, a place to pass my thoughts across to the world. Thank you once again, Sire.
When this year began, he told me over one of our chat sessions that I was one of the biggest contributors to his blog last year. I was extremely flattered that he would bestow such an honor upon me. He even referred to me as a Sir, I could actually feel my head expand as pride consumed me. He went on to tell me about writing this piece on 2013 and my expectations. I’m usually a ‘tell a story’ kind of guy, either with fiction or true life encounters. Writing things about myself, my life, thoughts and my expectations and letting the rest of the world read it isn’t something I’m usually comfortable with. Actually, I was going to make something up, that wasn’t totally true, and send it across to him so he could publish it. Instead, I decided to just…type the truth.
2012 was a so-so year for me. It came with the bad, then the good then the extremely bad. My greatest gratitude to God is that I didn’t lose any close friends or relations this past year. Despite all the travelling they made, around the country and out of it, especially with the plane crashes, which brought sadness to lot of hearts. They all came home safely.
One incident which would have caused me a great heartbreak and could have possibly led to me either ending myself or running totally mad was when my three siblings went to church one sunday and were on their way back when their car was rammed into by a huge lorry with brakes that didn’t work. Thanks to God, they all got out of the wrecked car unscathed. When they arrived home that day explaining the whole thing, I was shivering, I could have lost all my siblings in one day…just like that, I thanked God.
When 2012 began, I had so many expectations for it. It was meant to be pregnant with a lot of goodies for me, I just wondered what ever happened to that pregnancy. Well, a few good things did happen, but not as much as I expected. My Dad, being one of the reasons why I didn’t really enjoy the last year, is such a strict man. I look at him and all I see is that word, with legs and hands and a face with a mouth, giving out orders and making life miserable for a young man like me.
He is a good man, though. Just that he was born and grew up in a different time. There won’t be enough time to discuss his numerous doings and undoings on these pages. Anyways, I really did expect last year to be better than it had been. Maybe there were a few things I could have done better right now, if I could go back in time to do them again; a few choices that I should, or shouldn’t have made and also, a few ladies that I should never have set my eyes upon. But if I was to talk about women, and their many complications, that would take a lot more than just this one article.
2013 seems like it’s going to be a great year already. Why? You might want to ask. Well, our world didn’t end last year as it had been touted to do. We all heard the rumors. Maybe a few of us even believed in them. I think I did ( ._.) So seeing as it didn’t, and we all saw this new year, I expect it to bring with it a lot of great things. I see the year as a sort of survivor. It survived your rumors of its non-existence and fought hard to exist. So with it, come new hopes, and dreams and greater expectations.
I have my expectations, and I’ll make sure to work very hard towards actualizing them. One habit I hope to finally drop this year is my damned love for procrastination. It ruined me a lot last year, even Deolu can attest to that, LOL.
So, finally, before I drop the pen (yo! bro, you aint writing…you’re typing)…oh, pardon me. Before I drop the…ehm….*crickets*…….I’d like to encourage all reading this, to let all the tragic happenings, mistakes and the misdeeds of the past year to go with it. No matter how grave or devious it was, there’s always hope for better things to come.
Thank you, all and have a wonderful 2013.
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