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12 Funniest “Selfies”

Superman is a master of the selfie.

PS: Don’t take selfies and drive… or fly! (Link)


This Tampa Bay reporter took what is probably the most dangerous selfie ever.

Sports reporter Kelly Nash, pictured above, was at the Astros v. Red Sox game when she decided to show off her location and her beauty with an Instagram self-portrait. Although Nash told FOX sports that someone called out “Heads up!” a bunch of times while she took pictures, her head was up but it was not pointing the right way, and she almost got beaned in Beantown. (Link)


A girl took an amazing selfie while getting tackled by security as she sprinted through a baseball game. The girl posted a vine of herself running onto the field during the College World Series and ended up with what is possibly the best selfie ever. (Link)

You are never too young for a selfie or a duck face… or both. (Link)

First the teens started doing it. Then babies started doing it. Now, we can officially say that sloths have jumped on the “selfie” bandwagon. Either that or this particular, extremely adorable sloth just grabbed onto a photographer’s lens at exactly the right moment. However, we prefer to think that he’s just practicing for the day when sloths can use Instagram. (Link)

Now that’s how you master a selfie. (Link)

The great thing about iPhones is that they’ve made it easier than ever to snap a photo of yourself when there’s nobody around to take it for you. The downside is that there’s no extra set of eyes to tell you things like, “Look out, you’re lying down in poop.”

Unless, of course, you post it on Facebook!

I think this cat is not comfortable with his owner holding his balls. (Link)

This is a low-tech mirror selfie. (Link)

She clearly didn’t plan this selfie very well.

Forever alone. (Link)

The best way to let people know that you are a bad parent is by taking a naked selfie in a bathroom while holding your baby. (Link)
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