Check out the hyper-realistic body art of Chooo-San. Using acrylic paint, 19-year old Japanese student and artist Chooo-San has transformed the bodies of herself and a handful of lucky volunteers into ones that appear to be from another planet. Bored with technology, she wanted to see how far she could go with creating eye-catching illusions in the real world, rather than relying on programs like Photoshop.
Amazing effect created by teenager Chooo-San.
Alexa Meade is an artist who has developed a unique method for her paintings. From the initial image above it looks like your run-of-the-mill style of painting. Only when you understand what her technique is can you really appreciate her talent. She takes real people and applies acrylic paint to them in order to create 3D-2D scenes. While bodypainting is by no means new, what makes Alexa’s work outstanding is how these scenes truly mimic a 2D portrait painting done in an expressive style. (Link)
Camouflage body art. (Link)
The hand painting above is painted by the talented London-based body painter Annie Ralli. Photographed by Ray Massey, this hand illusion is part of an advertising campaign for Ecclesiastical Insurance, a niche insurance company using the byline “You’re in good hands.” (Link)
Another work from Annie Ralli. (Link)
What’s that? You always wanted a third eye? One or two in the back of the head would be super useful, but would you settle for one in place of your mouth? Probably not. Although, with this creative and creepy lip makeup by Swedish makeup enthusiast Sandra Holmbom, one could at least test it out. The illusory look for lips mimics an eye, allowing it to chomp away on whatever it is that you’re eating. Thanks to the artist’s intricately designed iris and delicately applied eyelashes, a slight part in the mouth adds to the mind-boggling effect that inspires a double-take and some fright in small children. (Link)
More of Choo San’s work. What started as a way to procrastinate before her university exams (Chooo-San would start drawing eyes and other objects on her hands) has turned into very characteristic and viral drawings. (Link)
Alexa Meade is taking her Trompe-L’Oeil painting technique to new heights, adding incredibly vibrant colors and patterns that warp our minds and sense of reality even more. (Link)
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